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WestSide Represent!

Welcome to the Kingdom our new sister, who was baptised after the ICCM graduation ceremony. Originally from a non-believing background, earnestly wanting to find the truth and seek God, she was met by sisters, twice. She then knew what she was called to do and that was to live for Christ and do the will of God. She studied the Bible and after a few weeks, made the decision to get baptised and become a disciple of Christ!

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Welcome an ambitious and driven 21 year old, who studies International Business at the University of New South Wales. Through her deep desire for the TRUTH, this young student found just that as she studied the Bible with the sisters. Overcoming different hardships and former beliefs in her life, she was baptised into Christ. We believe she is going to lead many into the kingdom through her decision to MAKE JESUS LORD!

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Power of the global Kingdom!

Welcome our newest brother in the Sydney church!! While studying the Bible with him, the brothers quickly saw a heart that rivaled the Berean Jews. Even though he originally comes from Brazil and English not being his native language, it did not stop him from studying out the scriptures and seeking after the truth wholeheartedly. It was amazing to see him wrestling the scriptures on salvation as he comes from a Presbyterian background. But with the help of the brothers fighting tirelessly in helping him gain a conviction on the truth and with the help of one of our Portuguese speakers, he has crucified the false doctrines in his life and is now a fired up brother in the faith!

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